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My Information



1. Ask, "When will ROL be done"

2. Report the play button doesn’t work every 12 hours

3. Ask for a Beta App

4. Whine about Perm Death

5. Whine about PK

6. Whine about the ROC -- and the enforcement of it

7. Whine about PvP and how kewl it would be

8. Poke the developer with a stick

9. Change you name to “IsItDoneYet”

10. ICQ him till 5:00am

11. Tell Jesse he’s not working hard enough

12. Start a flame war on e-groups

13. Request that Jesse give up and buy LOK

14. Make list of things that make him mad the most about ROL

15. Whine about features that aren't there yet

16. Whine about features that *shouldn't* be there, ever.

17. Insist that they use LOK art no matter the copyright

18. Whine about proposed features you didn't hear described but don't like the sound of.

19. Whine about how the people in chat get more input into the game than people who just lurk on eGroups.

20. Whine that Jesse doesn't CARE about doing polls anymore.

21. Ask to xfer your LOK crit

22. Whine that Jesse spends too much time in here chatting when he could be programming ;p

23. Demand the ability to PK, but complain about the possibility of getting PKed.

24. Say how much the mark system sucks

25. Describe an attempt at rampant axe-murder as 'RPing'

26. Keep asking for a M-41a pulse rifle in the game

27. Say there is a bug when you try to sell a sword when Jesse hasn’t even put up the game yet >.<

28. Call Jesse a Jackass

29. Ask if there is still an 'Assassin' class.

30. Ask if fighters will have more hp than monks.

31. Insist that everything should be the way UO, EQ, LOK, T4C or AC has it

32. When will ROL go gold?

33. Ask "is the chat done yet"

34. Tell Jesse he is full of it and he cant program at all but instead gets someone else too >.<

35. INSIST that the clock have a pm AND am not just an a and p

36. Ignore ROL for 2 months, come back to eGroups and reply to an entire journal, twelve times, each time insisting that you need to know "is beta up yet?"

37. Come back to ROL after months and swear you "just found out about it" and ask to get in beta.

38. Threaten to move to wrath if Jesse doesn’t hurry up

39. Insist that you should be in beta even though you only show up once in a blue moon, and even then only to say "Is beta up yet" in response to a journal.

40. Rant about how it's not fair that only people who actively participate getting to be in beta, and then blame your total unavailability on your work schedule -- and miss the point that you wouldn't have time to beta in the first place.

41. Insist that when beta is out you'll have more time

42. Be Falcar

43. Bump heads with the game staff

44. Ask for access to the beta lands NOW, as they must already be open.Really, they won't tell anyone...

45. Grumble at other staff members on whether or not sucking up is a valid path up the ladder.

46. Double posts on the boards.

47. Lurking

48. Replying to a message, with the entire eGroups attached

49. Whining about not being able to lurk

50. Whine about not being able to use colors on mIRC

51. Send the developer 20 megs of background pictures in the same day.

52. Ask the developer to add accounts for other people

53. Complain your friend was banned for the wrong reason

54. Tell Jesse yet again about that mysterious line at the bottom and right sides of the screen.

55. 40 people saying OOI at once

56. Enter the room and saying "moo"

57. Ask if I have another job.

58. Answer everything sarcastically

59. Make a mistake every 2-3 weeks that annoys Jesse then ICQing him with a 30 minute apologizing letter >.<

60. When Jesse is logging the chat to scroll the sentence "when is ROL gonna be out" 500 times

61. Scrolling in general 61. Scrolling in general 61. Scrolling in general 61. Scrolling in general 61. Scrolling in general 61. Scrolling in general 61. Scrolling in general 61. Scrolling in general 62. Asking a staffer to give you a cool tag. 63. Asking staffer to change your text color everyday 64. Complain that Jesse made your text hot pink 65. Complain about Jesse changing your handle to "PainInMyAss"

66. Watching Jesse put your ROL board posts to 0 after working hard to get it high.

67. The wake up command.

68. Emoting all your text in that nasty purple.

69. that nasty purple that staffers made

70. Constantly reminding people that you are a Ghod.

71. People constantly FORGETTING you are a Ghod.

72. Complaining why Jesse gets more power than the average ROL player

73. Insist Jesse is lying to cover-up the beta

74. Asking if vampires will be a selectable race.

75. Asking Jesse to compile the log for you

76. Trying to hack into Firedrake's machine to get "secret ROL info"...

77. People confusing Jesse and Jon.

78. Calling yourself "Stimpy".

79. Repeating Things already said and claiming them as yours!

80. Distributing a picture of a Rocky Horror Transvestite with my head pasted on it.

81. Complaining that all 66 of the things on list were directed at me

82. Sending in artwork for ROL, ripped directly off the D&D webpage.

83. Sending in artwork from LOK

84. Complaining Jesse is ignoring you when he don’t respond to ICQ at 3am

85. and at 3:05am

86. and at 3:10am

87. Constantly mispeling werds badily

88. Saying that the filter has a bug and you can really spell right when the filter isn’t in yet

89. Asking if Jesse's pissed at you because ... well ... he's pissed at you.

90. Artists

91. Anything Syckuis does or says :)

92. Apologizing to Jesse for something you did when he doesn’t even know what it is yet

93. See 80

94. See 79

95. Sitting in room apologizing to Jesse when all of a sudden it shifts to all about you and making Jesse sit there and listen to your problems

96. Make a younger member of the community think you're a stalker...

97. Talking about a rash to Jesse in the chat when everyone else is asking him ROL questions

98. Giving Jesse daily updates on your rash

99. Writing an open letter to



Sending Jesse a picture of his future 'customer service' area...